Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It has been brought to my attention that my life can be summed up in just two words.

Hopeless Romantic

Yup, that's it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Well I guess this is it for quite some time California, the Bay Area, the Valley, and the beaches.

As I'm sitting here I can't help but thing on how everything is finally at an end here in this place that I've called home for the past four years, along with everything that I have had my hands in.

From work at KFC, to working in the Art Department at school, then to everything from hanging out to just being myself around such and easy going place.

This airport sure has changed in the past 5 years since I moved here, and it just made me think on how everything has also since I moved here. From the expansion and growth in LB (we finally got the target lol) to the over-pass going over the hill, and everything else that's made life so interesting around here and just not the dullness of the same thing over and over.

This is a good by to everyone that has been in my life, and especially to those that are so close to me. Crystal, Emilee, Rosemary, Virginia (I got your name right =P ), Domi, Kacy, Tony, Adrian, Christie, Dean and that's just to name a few. Everyone from McNally's, ASB, Moore's, honestly there are just to many of you amazing people to name. I want you to all know that you have all helped me so much over these past years. I still remember sitting, feeling lost in Mrs. Sheets class in 8th grade; but that quickly passed with all of you making me feel so welcome. With finally writing this letter thinking that these people have helped make me who I am, and that I am leaving a group of people that are irreplaceable in my life.

Thank you Crystal and Emilee for making me break-down last night.
Now that may sound odd, but you guys have done so much for me this past year that nothing can come close to explaining what you guys are to me. Its really hard thinking that I'm leaving people that I could always relie upon whenever I needed it, or someone to talk to you guys have always been there for me.

Good Bye everyone, I will miss you all; and I hope each of you the best of luck in college, or whatever you may be doing.

Time to board the plane

Goodbye California, and everyone.......

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I cant believe that as of today there is only 1 month until Graduation!

It's an odd thought that I'm leaving everything that I love so much. Between the art department, my teachers, ASB, the clubs, and most of all my friends.

Little did I know what an impact I could make to this school when I moved here in 8th grade, now its the final leg to completing what the last 12 years work have been for.
I really cannot thank the art department for what they have done for me this year; from Mrs. C and her letting me TA for her, then Mrs. Corben and her pushing my artistic talent, and Mr. Smith with all the help he's given me with my photography (yes Smith I include you in the art dept.).

Well that's all for tonight I guess, sleep is probably something I need, lol.
It's only a wonder what the next month has in store for me...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hey Everyone

Well I though that with me going off to college that I should start a blog, besides a need a place to show off my photography instead of all those pictures just sitting on my laptop's hard drive. This being the first entry I'm not going to give a whole spill on everything, just want to welcome anyone to my blog.

Check back soon,