Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wow this is really pathetic, as I sit here in the Salt Lake Airport I attempt to leave a blog for Utah. But the wifi is so horrible that I end up having to do this on my blackberry.

Like 10 months ago I want to leave a message for Utah. It honestly scares me that its been that long since I came out for BYU; finishing my first year of college.

Thanks to everyone in the candy department at the bookstore. You guys made what my freshman college experience was.
Personal thanks to Amy for being such a great friend and running partner :) It sounds odd to others but running in 8 degree weather with snow and ice for 7 miles, that was some of my favorite times this past year.
Thanks Sidney for being such an awesome friend, it was great having someone understand me. Even though you were from Floirda :P Best times were that last Thursday and Friday with you :)

Well this one happened a little faster than the last letter. Thank you everyone for everything. See you all during ED Week in August.
